Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Book of Mormon Scripture

And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Live a Disciple's Life

Posted: 20 Dec 2009 11:00 PM PST

"This is God's work, and God's work will not be frustrated. But there is still much to be done before the Great Jehovah can announce that the work is done. While we praise and honor those faithful Saints who have brought us to this point of public prominence, we cannot afford, my brothers and sisters, to be comfortable or content."We are all needed to finish the work that was begun by those pioneering Saints over 175 years ago and carried out through the subsequent decades by faithful Saints of every generation. We need to believe as they believed. We need to work as they worked. We need to serve as they served. And we need to overcome as they overcame."Of course, our challenges are different today, but they are no less demanding. Instead of angry mobs, we face those who constantly try to defame. Instead of extreme exposure and hardship, we face alcohol and drug abuse, pornography, all kinds of filth, sleaze, greed, dishonesty, and spiritual apathy. Instead of families being uprooted and torn from their homes, we see the institution of the family, including the divine institution of marriage, under attack as groups and individuals seek to define away the prominent and divine role of the family in society."This is not to suggest that our challenges today are more severe than the challenges faced by those who have gone before us. They are just different. The Lord isn't asking us to load up a handcart; He's asking us to fortify our faith. He isn't asking us to walk across a continent; He's asking us to walk across the street to visit our neighbor. He isn't asking us to give all of our worldly possessions to build a temple; He's asking us to give of our means and our time despite the pressures of modern living to continue to build temples and then to attend regularly the temples already built. He isn't asking us to die a martyr's death; He's asking us to live a disciple's life."

M. Russell Ballard, "The Truth of God Shall Go Forth," Ensign, Nov. 2008, 83–84

Topics: Example, Faith, Pioneers

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bishop H. David Burton BYU Devotional December 2009

The following is one of the best BYU Devotionals, I encourage all to read or listen to its entirety. Truly inspiring.

No matter the challenges an individual must face, the future is bright for those who are obedient and recognize the blessings in their life, he said.

"Yes, these are the times that may try men's souls, and perhaps for some the challenges of the day may seem overwhelming, but for all who continue to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who, regardless of circumstances, continue to be positive and obedient, who continue to see the glass half full, 2009 and the times that follow will be the best of times. ...

"We need to 'remember, remember' during times that test our souls to enjoy and keep focused on our Father in Heaven's plan for eternal happiness, while at the same time carefully navigating through the best of times," he said. "Perhaps for us in 2009 it would be wise for us to 'remember, remember' to be fully immersed and invested in the gospel of Jesus Christ."

In addition to living the gospel to find joy in hard times, Bishop Burton said individuals must remember to take sufficient time to love, listen, learn, laugh, lighten, lead and lift.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mormon Messages - The Atonement

Trials - Blessings in Disguise

We all dislike our trials, but I love looking at examples in the scriptures of the reasons why we have trials. They really are blessings. It's like the Lord showing us that he's counting on us, and that he's actually closer to us than ever before, especially if we continue faithfully in our trials. In my institute class a couple weeks ago we were reading in Mosiah 26 where Alma the elder is promised eternal life. I really liked what the Lord said in verse 18. He says, "Yea, blessed is this people who are willing to bear my name; for in my name shall they be called; and they are mine." It's so amazing that when we take the name of Christ upon ourselves, it's a guarantee that we will receive trials, but it's through this process that we become His. That's how we can and will eventually become like him. It's always helpful for me to look at trials like that, because it helps me feel at peace and motivated to follow his will.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rising Generation

"The destiny of the rising generation of priesthood holders is far more than to be ready to bring God's power down to heal the sick. The preparation is to be ready to go and do whatever the Lord wants done as the world is preparing for His coming."

Henry B. Eyring, "Be Ready," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 59

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blessed With His Light

The trials of mortality may increase in intensity, yet for us, darkness need not increase if we focus our eyes more singly on the light that streams down on us as we follow the Master. He will lead us and help us along the path that leads upward to the home for which we yearn.

-President Henry B. Eyring, Ensign Dec. 2009.

Mary's Lullaby

Mary’s Lullaby

1. Lullaby, lullaby, my little one.
Lullaby, my child so dear.
Thy precious life has just begun;
Thy mother holds thee near.
While Joseph watches through the night,
A star reflects thy radiant light.

2. Thy gentle head shall wear a crown,
For thy Father is the King.
Thy tender hands, so tiny now,
Have blessings great to bring.
Let all creation join my song,
For peace and love this night are born.

Lullaby, lullaby, my little one.
Lullaby, my child so dear.

Monday, December 7, 2009

First Presidency Christmas Devotional

I really enjoyed the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional last night. President Monson gave a wonderful talk. Today we tried to implement it in our lives and do service for others who are in need. It's great to forget about your worries and think of what you can do for someone else. You get such a good feeling inside!!,6609,4617-1-81-1801,00.html

Great quote for anytime of the year!

"Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith." - President Thomas S. Monson