Saturday, September 18, 2010

New LDS Website ROCKS!

So I know that the new website has been in Beta (testing stage) for quite a while now but it is getting better and better all the time.

Here are a few things I love.

  1. Melanie
  2. Leila & Ethan
  3. The rest of you :)
  4. New Stuff at
  5. Stinky Cheese
          In that order...

I recently discovered a new feature that I am going to use ALL the time. It is called the My Study Notebook. You can access it by going to the beta sight and then clicking on tools and selecting My Study Notebook. You will need to log in using your LDS Account for this to work [That is the same account you use for indexing... if you are cool enough to index :) ]. The thing I love about this the most is that it keeps all my notes together. I hate it when I write something down in a notebook and then I never look at the notebook again. This tool helps make what you learn accessible for you in the future.

Another cool feature is tagging. Tagging is like assigning key words to your note or highlight. This can be very useful because later on you can search for things by their tags.... Say you read a good scripture about how the Holy Ghost can guide you and it reminds you of an experience you had when the Holy Ghost guided you. You could make a note in your My Study Notebook about that experience and give it a tag like - personal experience, Holy Ghost, guidance. Later on you could search for everything that has to do with the Holy Ghost, personal experience or guidance. This could be great for preparing a lesson or talk...

Give it a try

The End

PS - At the bottom of most pages there is this tab USE IT !!!!! The more feedback they get the better the site will get... That's the purpose of running a beta (test) sight...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

President Thomas S. Monson - Prophet of the Lord.

" My dear sisters, do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will be no miracle, but you will be the miracle."

* You never know what a girl is worth,

You’ll have to wait and see;

But every woman in a noble place,

A girl once used to be.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Look at What I Can Become!

This has to be the best picture of a good example, look at how she is looking at Margaret. There is no better time than right now in Lelia's life when she is so impressionable to teach her of what she needs to prepare her life for, and Margaret is showing her the way.

It is so important to be an example. You shouldn't really even have to think of it constantly. If you have a strong testimony and are living that testimony, your life will naturally become an example and others will be drawn to you, because of the peace that goes with you as you do the things the Lord asks you to do. I think a lot of it has to do with having Christ's image graven in your countenance. Look at what you are teaching Margaret, preparing for your wedding I'm sure you have not thought of what you are teaching Lelia and those little ones around you. I am proud of you for choosing the Savior in your life, his life and light will bring you much happiness, not only to yourself but those you are teaching by example through your Temple Wedding.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Take Comfort

My People Will I Preserve

"This is a troubled world. Discord and disaster are everywhere. It sometimes feels as though mankind itself may be hanging in the balance."Foreshadowing our day, the Lord said, 'The heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve' (Moses 7:61; emphasis added). We should take great comfort in this promise."

Keith B. McMullin, "Our Path of Duty," Ensign, May 2010, 13

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Step

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step-so watch your step."
— Jeffrey R. Holland