Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Strength of the Lord

Reese and I were recently discussing the book "The Hiding Place". In the beginning of this book the author, a concentration camp survivor, talks about life lessons she learns that helped her to persevere through the harshness of the concentration camps.

When she was younger her father told her that that the Lord always gives us the strength to do what is required of us in the obstacles we face. Many years after her father taught her this lesson she saw it in action. Her aunt who is terrified of death receives the news that she will pass away in roughly a month due to diabetes. She said that when she received the news she was surprised by the calm and peace she saw in her aunt despite her known fears. Her aunt went on to accomplish great things and show admirable strength in those last weeks. The author relates that she knows it was just as her father told her, the Lord had given her strength in the moment she needed it most.

I have gained a testimony these past few months of this promised strength. I have stared down some weeks that I literally did not know how I would get through, and knew I couldn't get through with my own strength. Yet, through the goodness of the Lord, I have been blessed with strength that is not my own. We may look to the future and think, "How can I do this?" or, "I could never do that." However, it is my testimony that we do not have to fear anything we are called to go through because the Lord will always supply sufficient strength as we have Faith in His Son Jesus Christ who died for us and who lives to succor all.

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