Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our Souls Magnifying the Lord

I was continuing my study of the New Testament this morning, and was reading in the first chapter of Luke. At this point in Luke, Zacharias and Elizabeth have found out that they will have a son, whose name will be John. Mary the cousin of Elizabeth has also found out that she will bear a son, and he will be the son of God. One statement made by Mary, as she visited her cousin Elizabeth, stood out to me. She testified that, "My soul doth magnify the Lord." (Luke 1:46) What a great example of how we all should lead our lives, so that our souls will magnify the Lord. God's "work and glory, is to bring to pass the immorality, and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39) As we go through out our day to day lives, and strive to bring our souls to magnify the Lord, we are helping Him to accomplish his work, and bringing unto him glory.

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